If you’re looking to improve your credit score, one of the best things you can do is remove inquiries from your credit report.
An inquiry happens when someone pulls your credit report for any reason.
This can hurt your credit score by lowering your credit score and making it look like you’re desperate for new credit.
Inquiries are one of many signals that make up your credit score.
The fewer inquiries you have, the better.
Inquiries affect your credit report for up to 24 months.
Interested in removing inquiries from your credit report?
In this blog post, we will explain how to remove inquiries from your credit report in 5 easy steps!

How To Remove Inquiries From Your Credit Report: Step 1
One of the best things you can do to remove inquiries from your credit report is to write a goodwill letter.
This type of letter will help you get rid of any negative items on your credit history that are not accurate or may have been added in error by the creditor who reported them.
This means if there were mistakes made when reporting something like an overdrawn checking account, then writing this kind of letter could help clear up those issues without having to go through all kinds of processes required by federal law (which usually takes months).
If they reply saying yes please send us another copy immediately so we can investigate further, then it should work out just fine!”
Goodwill letters aren’t foolproof, but they are great for obvious mistakes.
Be sure to check your credit report often so that you don’t miss any inquiries.
Step 2 To Removing Inquiries From A Credit Report
The next step is to request copies of your credit report from all three major credit bureaus.
Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, you are allowed to receive one free copy of your credit report from each bureau every 12 months.
This means you can stagger them and request a new copy every four months.
You’ll want to make sure that you get copies from all three agencies because sometimes mistakes will only show up on certain reports.
It helps to cross-reference your reports to make sure all information is accurate and uniform across all bureaus.
If you see a mistake, be sure to write the corresponding bureau to get the issue resolved.
Step 3 To Deleting Inquiries From Your Credit Report
After getting your credit reports, it’s time to start investigating any inquiries that shouldn’t be there.
This step can be a little more difficult because it takes some detective work.
Sometimes an inquiry may not even be listed as an inquiry on your credit report!
If this is the case, you’ll need to contact the creditor who made the inquiry and ask them for more information.
This could include the date the inquiry was made, the name of the company that pulled your credit report, and even a copy of the credit report that included the inquiry.
Step 4 To Disputing Inquiries From Your Credit Report
If you’ve gathered all of this information, it’s time to start writing letters!
The best way to do this is to create a template letter that you can use for each creditor.
Make sure to be polite and professional, and always include your contact information.
You’ll also want to make sure to send copies of any documentation you have related to the inquiry.
State the issue and what data is affected.
Ask for an investigation and deletion.
Provide account information, dates, company information, etc.
Save copies of your letters and keep a paper trail for your disputes.
How To Remove Credit Report Inquiries: Step 5
Finally, it’s time to wait! This process can take some time, so be patient.
Legally, the bureaus have 30 days to respond to your request.
Allow 5-10 days for mail transit.
Keep records of all responses and turn up the heat on your disputes if the outcome is not favorable.
Disputing takes patience, proper documentation, and strategy.
In Conclusion
Removing inquiries from your credit report is a great way to improve your credit score.
Lower inquiries reporting to your credit file signal to creditors that you are responsible with your credit and are a lower risk for lending.
In the future be cautious of how often your credit is run and stray from retailers offering great deals for “applying”.
This guide was a brief overview of steps you can take on your own.
If you want an in-depth solution, then consider The Credit Score Blueprint.
By following these five easy steps laid in this guide, you might be able to clear up any negative items that may be hurting your credit history.
Good luck!

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