With Student Loan Debt out of control it’s no secret that consumers are looking for solutions now more than ever. The Student Loan Companion gives you EVERYTHING you need to offer student loan services as a full business or an add on service for your existing business for less than the cost you can charge a single client.
Know the in’s and out’s of every student loan service, how it works, and what client it is best suited for with the Student Loan Companion.
You get the exact steps on how to perform each student loan service so you can fulfill your sales with expert quality services.
Use the exact scripts and sales processes our team uses to close hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan services sales.
Show your clients how much you care with professional customer support from the systems and support scripts.
With our Online Training portal you can learn at your pace on your own time and come back anytime you need a refresher or get stuck.
Not only will you quickly become a student loan expert, you will have all the training to onboard your team quickly and effeciently.